Art Journal Project #3
At the beginning of this school year, my lovely art teacher told us we were be going to do something a little different. This year, alongside our regular art projects, we would be doing multi-media projects at home. She said we'd be working on an art journal. As defined in Wikipedia, "A n art diary, art journal or visual journal is a daily journal kept by artists, often containing both words and sketches, and occasionally including mixed media elements such as collages." I and several others in my class were skeptical and leary about doing art projects on our own, with our own ideas. But once we got into the swing of it, it's become our favorite project this year. As we've already finished a few I'll post those later. This is the current project that I'm working on using a technique called a pour. For a pour, you water down the paint and then pour it through a colander. I'm going for a dark night sky look, so I used a lot of dar...